The Bannon Rent Review Approach and Team
Rent Reviews are one of the key commercial events within commercial leases.
The Rent Review process is highly detailed with the wording of the Rent Review Clause setting the parameters and assumptions that are to be adopted for assessing the level of rent applicable at the Review Date.
In undertaking Rent Review instructions on behalf of our clients, Bannon provides unrivalled technical skills and expertise utilising an in-depth insight into and knowledge of the commercial property market.
While Bannon endeavours to reach negotiated settlements in each instance that they are engaged, this does not always prove possible. The Rent Review Clause provides a mechanism of Third-Party adjudication should there be a failure to reach a negotiated settlement.
This can take the form of Arbitration or Independent Expert. Bannon has extensive experience in representing both owners and occupiers in these proceedings. They can take the form of written submissions and counter submissions or attendance at an oral hearing.
The depth of experience in our rent review team:
Director, Des Byrne, is one of the most experienced rent review experts in Ireland. He also has significant experience in the area of Arbitration, as well as acting as advocate and expert witness in third party rent review disputes. Des is actively involved with the RICS Ireland and is the current Chairman. Des has previously served as President of the Society of Chartered Surveyors in Ireland (SCSI) and as Chairman of the General Practice Division of the Society.
Divisional Director, Ben Semple, is a Chartered Surveyor and RICS Ireland Registered Valuer and is involved in Rent Reviews for Dundrum Town Centre on behalf of Crossridge Investments and the provision of general property and acquisition advice to MRPI.
Managing Director, Paul Doyle, has 28 years’ experience in all aspects of commercial property, including rent reviews. Paul’s rent review experience has been across the sectors, representing both occupiers and owners through negotiated settlements and also at Arbitration.
Director, Niall Brereton, is a RICS Registered Valuer and undertakes valuations in full compliance with ‘Red Book’ standards.