What exactly is the Residential Zoned Land Tax (RZLT)?
/in Residential, Land, News, ReportsA contentious and topical issue for some time now, the Residential Zoned Land Tax (RZLT) will impact a range of stakeholders across the development land sector. The RZLT, which was introduced in the Finance Act 2021 effectively replaces the Vacant Site Levy, with a similar objective of increasing the supply of residential accommodation. As an […]
The Great Office Reshuffle Accelerates
/in News, Office, ReportsThere is a puzzle which involves moving the one empty space around a collection of tiles to make the correct image and it comes to mind when looking at the near-term future of the Dublin Office market. The headline stats on the office market will tell you that there is 5.6m sq.ft. under construction but […]
The National Property Summit 2022
/in Events, News, ReportsJoin Neil Bannon at the upcoming National Property Summit 2022 on 1st December discussing the latest challenges and opportunities facing Irish commercial property with this expert panel.
World Kindness Week
/in Events, News, RetailTo celebrate World Kindness Week, the team at Malahide Road Retail Centre carried out some random acts of kindness by surprising some of our shoppers with gift cards across all our stores to help with their shopping! Happy shopping everyone! Walker Communications Irish Life Investment Managers
Commercial Property Valuers embracing ESG
/in News, ReportsWhatever the short balance of the year has in store, there is little doubt that in 2022 a rubicon was crossed for assets that are not scoring well with their ESG credentials. The RICS made sure valuers took the step to acknowledge the importance of ESG credentials on buildings and their impact on values with […]
Big-ticket office deals mask market shift to ‘beds, sheds and meds’
/in News, Office, ReportsA cursory look at both the third quarter and year-to-date property investment volume data would indicate that it’s a case of “steady as she goes” in the market but as always, the proverbial devil is in the detail. When you pull back the curtain on the statistics, the current institutional investment mantra of “beds, sheds […]