Owners of environmentally-unfriendly offices are in for a rollercoaster ride
/in News, Office, ReportsFollowing an extended period of “head burying”, most property fund managers are bracing themselves for material negative valuer adjustments across their portfolios (with the potential exception of retail which has already been massively discounted). This trepidation is clearly derived from the escalating impacts of the war in Ukraine, spiralling inflation, rising interest rates, looming recession […]
What exactly is Croí Cónaithe?
/in Development, News, ReportsThe Croí Cónaithe scheme, which has had €450m earmarked for it over the next three years, is designed for the State to plug the gap between the cost of construction and the market value of apartments. It relates to certain areas where the sales price achievable is less than the costs of development. Funding will […]
Sustainable Future
/in News, Real Estate, ReportsWe asked our leading experts for their views on achieving a sustainable future for the Irish commercial real estate sector: General Commentary from Executive Chairman Neil Bannon Sustainability impacts everybody, whether it is investors securing the long-term value of their assets, corporate occupiers demonstrating their environmental credentials to clients and staff, retailers reacting to shifts […]
Environmental Sustainability
/in News, ReportsWhy is the real estate sector being targeted to improve its environmental sustainability? The big numbers speak for themselves. It is the industry’s responsibility to improve these statistics. At Bannon we are proactively working to improve the environmental performance of Ireland’s Commercial Real Estate Sector. SCSI – Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland
Weathering a perfect storm in Commercial Property Service Charges
/in Property Management, Economy, News, ReportsAs per the SCSI / RICS Code of Practice definitions, service charges in commercial property enable an owner to recover the costs of servicing and operating a property. This is for the benefit of the occupiers and users of the services and facilities provided within the property. The service charge arrangement is dictated by the […]
Embodied Carbon
/in Events, NewsEmbodied carbon refers to the emissions associated with all the activities of procuring, mining and harvesting raw materials. It includes transforming these materials into construction products, transporting them to site and incorporating them into a building. Subsequently, it includes maintaining, replacing, removing and disposing at the end of their life. Essentially embodied carbon is built […]