Rent review law to change property market entirely
/in Lettings, News, RetailLegislation endeavouring to abolish the upward-only rent review is shaking the foundations of the property establishment. In most leases it means rents cannot fall below the prevailing rate when the rent is reviewed, usually every five years.
St. Olaves Business Centre, Kinsealy, co. Dublin
/in Lettings, News, RetailProviding some much needed good news within the commercial property market, joint agents Bannon and Kelly Walsh have successfully let a further four units at St. Olaves Business Centre, Kinsealy.
William fry and Chartered Land announce new head office move
/in News, OfficeWilliam Fry, one of Ireland’s top five law firms and leading commercial property company Chartered Land have announced that William Fry will relocate its headquarters to Chartered Land’s state-of-the-art office development at Grand Canal Square in Dublin’s south docklands.
Eur 50M John Lewis store to debut in Dublin
/in Events, Lettings, News, RetailJohn Lewis has confirmed it is to debut in Ireland and open its first non-UK store in the capital city at Chartered Land’s O’Connell Street scheme.
Signing of BCM Hanby Wallace for Grand Canal Square
/in EventsCHARTERED LAND, one of Ireland’s leading commercial property companies, announced that BCM Hanby Wallace has signed legal documentation to occupy over 150,000 sq ft of office space at Number 2, Grand Canal Square. The law firm is currently located on Harcourt Street and expects to move to its new home in early 2010.
When it comes to high-street stores, size matters
/in News, Reports, RetailGRAFTON STREET and Henry Street are rapidly becoming two-tier markets for investors because of the lack of larger units on the streets. The dearth of large format ‘retail boxes’ measuring more than 10,000 square feet on our city’s prime pedestrianised thoroughfares has been acknowledged for some time. Modern retailers want, and are likely to continue to want, large format stores.